ToI podcast

Daily Briefing June 20: Does IDF airstrike in Jenin signal new tactics in West Bank?

Military correspondent Emanuel Fabian takes us through the rare use of a helicopter in Monday’s violent flareup; health reporter Renee Ghert-Zand on a synthesized human embryo

Welcome to The Times of Israel’s Daily Briefing, your 15-minute audio update on what’s happening in Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish world, from Sunday through Thursday.

Military correspondent Emanuel Fabian and health reporter Renee Ghert-Zand join host Amanda Borschel-Dan in today’s episode.

Monday morning an Israeli helicopter gunship carried out rare strikes in Jenin as six Palestinians were killed and eight Israeli troops were wounded during heavy clashes. Fabian briefs us.

On Sunday, six Israelis who regained their eyesight thanks to donor corneas had a chance to thank the donors’ families in person. All donors were recent victims of Palestinian terror shootings, including siblings Yagel and Hillel Yaniv, and Lucy Dee. Who were some of the recipients?

After a decade of work, researchers at the Weizmann Institute of Science say they have managed to create stem cell-derived human embryo models outside the uterus. How do these models differ from “natural” human embryos?

Discussed articles include:

5 Palestinians dead, 8 IDF troops hurt in Jenin battle; Apache carries out airstrikes

Families of terror victims Yaniv brothers, Lucy Dee meet recipients of their corneas

In breakthrough, Israeli scientists say they synthesized human embryos from stem cells

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Check out yesterday’s Daily Briefing episode:

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