
Backstreet Boys can’t reschedule nixed Israel show for this year

May 13 concert by 1990s boy band in Rishon Lezion was canceled due to threat of rocket attacks from Gaza

Jessica Steinberg covers the Sabra scene from south to north and back to the center.

The Backstreet Boys performing in Rishon Lezion on April 22, 2018. (Courtesy: Orit Pnini)
The Backstreet Boys performing in Rishon Lezion on April 22, 2018. (Courtesy: Orit Pnini)

After the Backstreet Boys canceled their planned May 13 performance in Israel due to the military conflict with the Gaza Strip and the threat of rocket attacks, the ’90s boy band has said it won’t be able to reschedule a performance in the coming year.

“Unfortunately, we have not been able to coordinate an alternative date during the coming year to reschedule our performance in Israel,” the band wrote Wednesday on social media.

The band said it was looking forward to performing in Israel in the future.

The statement included information about issuing a refund to all ticket purchasers automatically, returning the money to credit cards within 30 business days.

The day before the concert, authorities canceled the performance that had been planned to take place in Rishon Lezion, citing the then-ongoing military conflict with the Gaza Strip and the threat of rocket attacks.

The decision was made by officials in the IDF’s Home Front Command and the Rishon Lezion municipality, where the concert was to be held.

Posted by Backstreet Boys on Wednesday, May 31, 2023

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