ToI podcast

Daily Briefing May 15: Looking to rule the PA, Hamas sat out the recent Gaza conflict

Editor David Horovitz and diplomatic correspondent Lazar Berman drill down on reasons behind Gaza leadership’s perceived permission for 5 days of Palestinian Islamic Jihad rockets

Welcome to The Times of Israel’s Daily Briefing, your 15-minute audio update on what’s happening in Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish world, from Sunday through Thursday.

Editor David Horovitz and diplomatic correspondent Lazar Berman join host Amanda Borschel-Dan in today’s episode.

After five days of fighting, the ceasefire ending Operation Shield and Arrow is holding. While the IDF, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant all claim the op’s goals were met within seconds, Horovitz discusses why it was so difficult to lock down a ceasefire.

Hamas did not overtly join in on the barrage of rocket fire that rained upon Israel. What can be read into the passive permission Hamas gave to what Horovitz calls its “evil little Iranian-mobilized sister”?

Inconclusive elections were held in Turkey yesterday and a run-off is set for May 28. Berman weighs in on what either winner means for relations with Israel.

Borschel-Dan chimes in with a report on a massive 1,800-year-old cargo of precious marble building materials that was recently discovered off the coast of Israel.

Discussed articles include:

Rocket launched from Gaza shatters calm, but fragile ceasefire appears to hold

Israel’s Gaza operation met its goals in seconds; trouble is, it went on for 5 days

Hamas, undeterred, sat on the sidelines as Islamic Jihad and Israel slugged it out

Turkey set for historic run-off vote after Erdogan falls short of majority

Swimmer discovers precious marble cargo from 1,800-year-old Mediterranean shipwreck

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Check out yesterday’s Daily Briefing episode:

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