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Ben Sales
American Jews
Donald Trump
antisemitism in the US
Benjamin Netanyahu
June 22, 2023, 3:03 am
Following backlash, group says video on ‘woke antisemitism’ will not be reposted
Combat Antisemitism Movement walks back project blaming progressive ideology for rising anti-Jewish bigotry after two leading US partners jump ship in protest
Ben Sales
May 31, 2023, 12:24 pm
Over a third of people in Hungary, Poland have ‘extensive’ antisemitic beliefs – poll
Respondents in 10 European nations asked if they believe stereotypes including ‘Jews have too much power in business world’ and ‘Jews are responsible for most of the world’s wars’
Ben Sales
May 19, 2023, 7:50 am
Pittsburgh synagogue shooter faces death penalty in trial set to start May 30
Robert Bowers accused of killing of 11 worshipers in 2018 attack; some victims’ relatives pushing for execution, but two of three community leaders oppose it
Ben Sales
May 17, 2023, 10:27 am
Musk attacks ADL for saying his anti-Soros tweets will embolden antisemites
Twitter CEO says watchdog should ‘drop the A’ and be called the Defamation League, as ties between US billionaire and major Jewish organization have rapidly deteriorated
Ben Sales
April 29, 2023, 5:34 am
How Israel’s political crisis took center stage at a major US Jewish conference
With much at stake for Diaspora Jews in the proposed judicial overhaul, Jewish Federations of North America leaders welcome protests, and a pluralism of opinions, at their confab
Ben Sales
April 26, 2023, 2:13 pm
On Israel’s 75th birthday, the flag takes on new meaning as a symbol of protest
The national flag was for years shunned by the political left as a far-right symbol, but the recent wave of anti-government protests has seen it reclaimed as a mark of opposition
Ben Sales
April 24, 2023, 4:36 am
‘Please help us’: Anti-overhaul activists set the tone at US Jews’ Tel Aviv gathering
‘To the protesters exercising their democratic rights, we are inspired by your love of Israel,’ declares Jewish Federations chair Julie Platt, amid cheers for demonstrators outside
Ben Sales
April 22, 2023, 4:06 am
Pittsburgh synagogue shooting trial to begin, igniting pain and hopes for closure
Long-delayed legal proceedings to start Monday for gunman accused of killing 11 worshippers at Tree of Life in October 2018
Ben Sales
April 15, 2023, 5:15 pm
Jersey City’s Jewish mayor running for state governor
Steven Fulop, a US military veteran and grandson of Holocaust survivors, was quick to call 2019 shooting at kosher supermarket in city a hate crime against Jews
Ben Sales
April 5, 2023, 11:57 am
Nikki Fried, Jewish head of Florida Democrats, arrested at abortion rights rally
10 others held at demonstration against 6-week abortion ban proposal, which passed state Senate, awaits approval by House and Governor DeSantis
Ben Sales
April 1, 2023, 8:56 am
NY state court ruling shifts burden for secular studies from yeshivas to parents
After bombshell decision that while yeshivas can’t be shut for failing to teach core curriculum, the standards remain in place, a new mechanism for enforcement is required
Ben Sales
March 23, 2023, 12:31 pm
‘Gun is on the table’: Both sides of overhaul clash say constitutional crisis coming
What if the judicial overhaul is passed, the Supreme Court strikes it down, and the Knesset doesn’t abide by that decision? Who holds final authority – the court or the Knesset?
Ben Sales
March 21, 2023, 10:34 pm
Avi Mayer, prominent pro-Israel activist, named editor of the Jerusalem Post
Social media influencer takes over from Yaakov Katz, who served as editor for 7 years and will continue to contribute a weekly column to the paper
Ben Sales
March 15, 2023, 3:06 pm
US anti-Jewish incidents jumped nearly 20% in 2021, FBI finds in updated report
Antisemitic crimes make up majority of religion-based offenses; bureau says increased tally compared to initial December findings due to transition to new reporting system
Ben Sales
March 12, 2023, 10:20 pm
Why a county in Utah could play a role in Israel’s judicial crisis
Israeli Supreme Court ruling recognizes US virtual marriage process, letting Israelis bypass the rabbinate and angering a ruling coalition that seeks controversial judicial change
Ben Sales
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