
Holon shop owner stabs himself in the head after being fined by city

Municipality says man was penalized for placing merchandise on the sidewalk, has previously been punished for same offense and attempted to harm himself

Police officers wrestle a shop owner in Holon to the ground to prevent him from stabbing himself, after he was fined for putting his merchandise on the sidewalk, February 24, 2021. (Screen capture: Twitter)
Police officers wrestle a shop owner in Holon to the ground to prevent him from stabbing himself, after he was fined for putting his merchandise on the sidewalk, February 24, 2021. (Screen capture: Twitter)

A shop owner in the Tel Aviv suburb of Holon was filmed Wednesday stabbing himself in the head after getting fined for placing his merchandise on the sidewalk.

Municipal inspectors fined the man for placing clothes racks outside. The fine did not appear to be tied to coronavirus restrictions on commerce.

In response to the fine, the man began stabbing himself in the head with a sharp object, as inspectors wrestled him to the ground to stop him from further harming himself.

He was lightly-to-moderately injured and rushed to the hospital.


The Holon Municipality said the man has been fined several times in recent months for similar offenses and has attempted self-harm in the past while filming the incidents.

“With all the understanding for the situation that business owners are in now, obstacles can’t be created on the sidewalks,” a statement from the municipality said.

Despite speculation the man’s extreme reaction to the fine was tied to the economic hardship brought on by the coronavirus pandemic, there was no confirmation that was the cause.

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