ToI podcast

Daily Briefing Nov. 8: What’s in store on religious matters and rental prices

Diaspora and religion reporter Judah Ari Gross looks at US Jews’ reaction to Israeli election results, as real estate editor Danielle Nagler discusses rental market and hotels

Welcome to The Times of Israel’s Daily Briefing, your 15-minute audio update on what’s happening in Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish world, from Sunday through Thursday.

Diaspora and religion reporter Judah Ari Gross and real estate editor Danielle Nagler join host Jessica Steinberg for today’s podcast.

Gross discusses the reaction of US Jewry after last week’s Israeli election results and what could could potentially push buttons for the North American Jewish community.

Nagler looks at the rental market and what governmental changes need to be made to make it easier for Israelis seeking suitable housing.

Gross also talks about the religious parties making up the new government and how that will affect issues of religion and state, including LGBTQ rights and the kosher certification process.

Nagler speaks about the Israeli hotel industry and its shifts following the pandemic with regard to both local and foreign tourists.

Discussed articles include:

Herzog to US Jews: Respect Israel’s election results even if you don’t like them

Vowing to lower prices, new government could target Israel’s untamed rental market

Israel poised to have its most religious government; experts say no theocracy yet

Israel to build 8,000 new hotel rooms by 2023 as tourism ramps up

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Check out yesterday’s Daily Briefing episode:

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