ToI podcast

Daily Briefing July 12: NYC antisemitism rises; Israel’s housing protests carry on

US reporter Luke Tress discusses antisemitism in NY and the CUNY university system; real estate writer Danielle Nagler looks at rallies against high rent, and glamping vacations

Welcome to The Times of Israel’s Daily Briefing, your 15-minute audio update on what’s happening in Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish world, from Sunday through Thursday.

US reporter Luke Tress and real estate writer Danielle Nagler join host Jessica Steinberg for today’s podcast.

Nagler discusses the current housing protests in Tel Aviv, led by young protesters and focusing on rental prices for now.

Tress looks at a conviction for a violent antisemitic act in New York, and how it fits in with the growing number of antisemitic events in New York City.

He also talks about accusations of antisemitism at CUNY, the City University of New York system, and whether there is real basis to the discussion taking place.

Nagler looks at the rise of glamping as an alternative accommodation for tourists in Israel, and the different options available.

Discussed articles include:

Thousands gather in Tel Aviv to protest housing prices, cost of living

US feds charge pro-Palestinian protester with hate crime for antisemitic attack

NYC lawmakers lash city colleges’ chancellor for skipping hearing on antisemitism

Jewish group calls for investigation into NYC public college over BDS support

With glamping, an Israeli tourism growth sector gets in tents

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Check out yesterday’s Daily Briefing episode:


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