Israel StoryProduced in partnership with ToI

The Broadcast

Israel’s Declaration of Independence on May 14, 1948 was not only the birth of a state — it was also the birth of Israeli radio.

Israeli Declaration of Independence (GPO)
Israeli Declaration of Independence (GPO)

Israel Story’s podcast series “Signed, Sealed, Delivered?” introduces us to all 37 signatories of Israel’s Declaration of Independence through the recollections of their closest living relatives. Throughout the series, however, we will also be releasing a few bonuses that examine other aspects of the Declaration. And today, on Yom Ha’Atzmaut itself, we turn our attention to the often-overlooked “star” of the Declaration. After all, for a declaration to be a declaration, it needs, well… to be publicly heard. And thus, dear listeners, we bring you the story of the radio broadcast.

The end song is Hora Nitgaber (lyrics – Yehiel (Mohar) Mar, music and arrangement – Moshe Wilensky), performed by Lehakat HaNahal. (Licensed by Israel Story through Acum)

About Israel Story: Israel Story is the award-winning podcast that tells extraordinary tales about ordinary Israelis. Often called “the Israeli ‘This American Life,’” we bring you quirky, unpredictable, interesting and moving stories about a place we all think we know a lot about, but really don’t. Produced in partnership with The Times of Israel.

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