
Two Palestinians, including child, said hurt as gunmen fire on IDF West Bank post

Emanuel (Mannie) Fabian is The Times of Israel's military correspondent.

Illustrative: Israeli soldiers stand guard near the scene of an apparent attempted car-ramming attack by the West Bank settlement of Halamish on May 29, 2020. (Abbas Momani/AFP)
Illustrative: Israeli soldiers stand guard near the scene of an apparent attempted car-ramming attack by the West Bank settlement of Halamish on May 29, 2020. (Abbas Momani/AFP)

Palestinian gunmen targeted a military post near the West Bank settlement of Neve Tzuf, also known as Halamish, the military says.

The Israel Defense Forces does not immediately elaborate further on the shooting attack.

The Rescuers Without Borders emergency service says it has received a report of two Palestinians, including a 3-year-old, who are hurt by gunfire in the area.

The service says the pair are likely hurt by the gunmen’s fire at the IDF post.

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