
IDF rescuers pull 2 Palestinians from collapsed settlement construction site

Workers evacuated to Jerusalem hospital in serious and moderate condition after two-hour operation

IDF rescuers work to pull a pair of Palestinian construction workers from under collapsed rubble in the Neve Daniel settlement on May 31, 2023. (Israel Defense Forces)
IDF rescuers work to pull a pair of Palestinian construction workers from under collapsed rubble in the Neve Daniel settlement on May 31, 2023. (Israel Defense Forces)

IDF search and rescue units pulled a pair of Palestinian construction workers out from under a collapsed building site in a southern West Bank settlement on Wednesday evening after a two-hour operation.

Rubble at the Neve Daniel site collapsed on the two workers in their early 20s who found themselves trapped for several hours.

The IDF’s elite 669 search and rescue unit was among the squads dispatched to the scene.

The two Palestinian men were rushed to Jerusalem’s Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem, with one suffering from moderate wounds and the other in serious condition.

Construction site accidents are common in Israel and its West Bank settlements, with watchdog groups complaining of little oversight and dangerous working conditions.

Last week, a 38-year-old construction worker died after he was hit by a heavy object at a site close to Shoham in the central district of the country.

Earlier this month, a 40-year-old construction worker was killed in Tel Aviv after he became entangled in electric wires that were knocked down by a crane that tipped over.

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