Times of Israel podcasts
Senior analyst Haviv Rettig Gur on bureaucratic reasons why life is more difficult for the Palestinians; military correspondent Emanuel Fabian on... MORE
After a bloody week, a leading intelligence expert analyses recent IDF successes in the West Bank, offers points for improvement and tells us wha... MORE
Jeremy Sharon reports on settler rampages after Tuesday's deadly terror attack, possible government nod to outpost land grab; Sue Surkes on Druze... MORE
Military correspondent Emanuel Fabian reports on Tuesday's deadly shooting and its violent fallout; US bureau chief Jacob Magid on cancelation of... MORE
Military correspondent Emanuel Fabian takes us through the rare use of a helicopter in Monday's violent flareup; health reporter Renee Ghert-Zand... MORE
ToI editor David Horovitz discusses Smotrich and US-Iran talks, as Knesset correspondent Tal Schneider explains why choosing the bar association'... MORE
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