From The Hartman Institutesponsored

Funding an Israel We Disagree With?

Donniel Hartman and Yossi Klein Halevi talk through the role of money and the culture of support in Israel-Diaspora relations.

Demonstrators wave flags during a rally to protest the Israeli government's judicial overhaul plans, in Tel Aviv, on April 22, 2023. (JACK GUEZ / AFP)
Demonstrators wave flags during a rally to protest the Israeli government's judicial overhaul plans, in Tel Aviv, on April 22, 2023. (JACK GUEZ / AFP)

Is funding from Jews in the Diaspora problematic? If so, when and in what context? Should there be limits on financial support and what they should be? In this episode, Donniel Hartman and Yossi Klein Halevi talk through the role of money and the culture of support in Israel-Diaspora relations. Listen here:

For Heaven’s Sake is a podcast from the Shalom Hartman Institute’s iEngage Project that revives the lost art of Jewish debate for the sake of illuminating a topic, not sowing division. The podcast draws its name from the concept of Machloket l’shem shemayim, “Disagreeing for the sake of heaven.”

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