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Einat Wilf on why the two-state solution is so elusive

Why is a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict so elusive? Dr. Einat Wilf thinks the answer is simple, but that we’ve been unwilling to accept it.

More than 20 years after the Oslo Accords fell apart and now with the most right-wing Israeli government in history, we’ve never felt farther from a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Why is the two-state solution so elusive? Why can’t two peoples, both of whom have legitimate claims to the land — why can’t they find a way to make it work?

A former member of Israel’s Knesset and the author of seven books, Dr. Einat Wilf has spent years researching the conflict. And her findings get to the essence of the struggle between Israelis and Palestinians. Listen here:

About ‘In These Times with Rabbi Ammi Hirsch’: Every other week, Rabbi Ammi Hirsch hosts intellectually honest conversations unpacking current events through the lens of Jewish wisdom. Unbound by politics and untethered by party lines, Ammi and his expert guests discuss everything from race and antisemitism to all the other issues that keep you up at night. Recorded from New York’s Stephen Wise Free Synagogue, a historic Reform congregation deeply rooted in liberalism, support for Israel and social justice.

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Please note: This interview was recorded in November 2022, before the latest developments in Israel.

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