
IDF to send 2 more battalions to West Bank after series of settler attacks

Emanuel (Mannie) Fabian is The Times of Israel's military correspondent.

Israeli soldiers at the entrance to Turmus Ayya, as smoke rises over the West Bank town after settlers set fire to cars and homes, June 21, 2023. (Yonatan Sindel/ Flash90)
Israeli soldiers at the entrance to Turmus Ayya, as smoke rises over the West Bank town after settlers set fire to cars and homes, June 21, 2023. (Yonatan Sindel/ Flash90)

The Israel Defense Forces says it will be bolstering the West Bank with two additional battalions, following a recent string of settler attacks against Palestinian villages and towns.

The IDF says the decision was made following a fresh assessment.

Last week, following a deadly terror attack at a gas station near the settlement of Eli, the army deployed four more battalions to the area.

Typically, the IDF’s West Bank division has 13 battalions. Over the past year and a half, that number has fluctuated because of an anti-terror offensive, following a series of deadly Palestinian terror attacks, reaching a height of 26 battalions in October 2022, before dropping back down by several battalions.

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