
Police arrest 3 UN workers at Jordan border crossing for smuggling ‘liquid cocaine’

This handout photo from police shows bottles of "liquid cocaine" that three UN workers are accused of trying to smuggle through a border crossing between Israel and Jordan, June 25, 2023. (Israel Police)
This handout photo from police shows bottles of "liquid cocaine" that three UN workers are accused of trying to smuggle through a border crossing between Israel and Jordan, June 25, 2023. (Israel Police)

Police announce the arrest of three United Nations employees for attempting to smuggle cocaine into Israel.

According to police, the three raised the suspicion of border inspectors at the Jordan River Crossing between the northern Israeli city of Beit She’an and Jordan’s Irbid, where during a routine search they were caught with cocaine in liquid form that was disguised as perfume.

The three, who police say serve along the Syrian border, are taken for questioning.

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