
US to reportedly halt science and tech research with Israeli entities over Green Line

Students are seen walking at the Ariel University campus in the West Bank settlement of Ariel on January 25, 2017. (Sebi Berens/Flash90)
Students are seen walking at the Ariel University campus in the West Bank settlement of Ariel on January 25, 2017. (Sebi Berens/Flash90)

The United States has reportedly told Israel that it will cease scientific and technological cooperation with entities in the West Bank, the Golan Heights and East Jerusalem, reverting to a long-running policy that was reversed under then-US president Donald Trump.

The move is a return to the previous directive barring scientific and technological cooperation in the areas that a US State Department official defined to the Kan public broadcaster as beyond the 1967 Green Line and “which remain subject to negotiations on their permanent status.”

The official tells the broadcaster that the updated directive “simply reflects the position of the United States over the years.”

“We are working toward negotiations for a two-state solution, where Israel lives in peace and security alongside a viable Palestinian state,” the unnamed official says.

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