With law set to expire, cabinet approves decision to exempt Haredi youth from draft
Carrie Keller-Lynn is a political and legal correspondent for The Times of Israel

The government approves a decision that would enable the military to exempt ultra-Orthodox Israeli youth from the draft, five days before the current exemption framework expires.
Approved by the cabinet, the decision allows Defense Minister Yoav Gallant to order the Israel Defense Forces to not enforce conscription within the community.
In 2017, the High Court of Justice invalidated the current conscription law, which gives sweeping exemptions to full-time religious scholars. The 15th extension that the court has granted to legislate a solution is due to expire at the end of July. However, the underlying law — upon which the Defense Ministry was permitted to rely until a new solution was found — expires on June 30.
Pressed on by ultra-Orthodox parties, the coalition is planning to advance a new draft bill in the winter session. This bill is expected to lower the exemption age for religious scholars from 26 to 23, in order to let ultra-Orthodox youth enter the workforce earlier.
It is expected to be passed alongside bills that improve conditions for soldiers and reservists.