
Prosecutor complains about Sara Netanyahu’s conduct as Milchan quips ‘this could be a movie’

Jeremy Sharon is The Times of Israel’s legal affairs and settlements reporter

Sara Netanyahu, in the United Kingdom for the testimony of Arnon Milchan in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's corruption trial, is seen on a screen at the Jerusalem District Court on June 25, 2023 (Oren Ben Hakoon/POOL )
Sara Netanyahu, in the United Kingdom for the testimony of Arnon Milchan in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's corruption trial, is seen on a screen at the Jerusalem District Court on June 25, 2023 (Oren Ben Hakoon/POOL )

During Arnon Milchan’s testimony in Brighton, UK, State Attorney Liat Ben Ari suddenly complains about the behavior of Sara Netanyahu, who is the room with the witness as his testimony is being broadcast to the Jerusalem District Court.

“Sara Netanyahu is here in the room. She is making eye contact with the witness the whole time. I want to make clear that it is forbidden to make faces to the witness, and it is forbidden to hint to him anything,” insists Ben Ari angrily.

Netanyahu’s defense attorney Amit Hadad objects vehemently to Ben Ari’s complaint and insists there is no prohibition against making eye contact with a witness.

The two attorneys engage in a hostile verbal exchange during which movie mogul Milchan chuckles, “This could be movie, maybe a TV show,” promising jovially to look at the ceiling instead of toward Sara Netanyahu.

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