
Milchan says he considered Netanyahu ‘a close friend’ and that PM was ‘very accessible’ to him

Jeremy Sharon is The Times of Israel’s legal affairs and settlements reporter

Arnon Milchan (left) and Benjamin Netanyahu at a press conference in the Knesset, on March 28, 2005. (Flash90/ File)
Arnon Milchan (left) and Benjamin Netanyahu at a press conference in the Knesset, on March 28, 2005. (Flash90/ File)

Arnon Milchan describes during his testimony how he felt personally close to Netanyahu and says they were good friends.

“I saw him as a close friend, between friends and comrades,” says Milchan, noting that Netanyahu sent him a letter after he was elected to office and told him it was the first letter he was writing anyone as prime minister.

“Brother, that was a very emotional letter,” says Milchan.

He says that meetings he had in his various homes with Netanyahu were in the majority social meetups, although sometimes they dealt with other issues like the media and then Netanyahu would invite his adviser Shlomo Filber.

Asked how accessible Netanyahu was to him, Milchan responds that he was “very accessible” and that if he would call, the prime minister would answer.

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