
‘Hello, Bibi’: PM is greeted by Milchan as film mogul begins video link testimony in corruption trial

Jeremy Sharon is The Times of Israel’s legal affairs and settlements reporter

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu arrives at the District Court in Jerusalem to listen to the testimony of businessman Arnon Milchan in his corruption trial on June 25, 2023 (Oren Ben Hakoon/POOL)
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu arrives at the District Court in Jerusalem to listen to the testimony of businessman Arnon Milchan in his corruption trial on June 25, 2023 (Oren Ben Hakoon/POOL)

Testifying in the Jerusalem District Court on Sunday, movie mogul Arnon Milchan says Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at one stage was concerned about how much knowledge his personal assistant Hadas Klein had about their affairs.

The film producer is a witness in Case 1000 — one of three in which Netanyahu faces charges — involving suspicions that the premier illicitly accepted gifts including cigars and champagne from Milchan and another billionaire, James Packer.

Netanyahu is suspected of helping Milchan obtain a long-term residency visa in the US and seeking to advance legislation that would have benefited Milchan’s tax liability if it had been passed.

“Bibi thought Hadas knew too much. He worried that it was not a good idea to continue our employment of her because she knew too much,” says Milchan.

As Milchan is speaking, Netanyahu walks into the court room in Jerusalem and is greeted by Milchan, from Brighton, who calls out “Hello, Bibi.”

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