
Man shot dead in Nahf, the 105th killing in Arab community this year

A man in shot dead in the northern town of Nahf, the 105th member of the Arab community to have been killed so far this year in a spiraling crime wave.

Police say the man was shot while in a vehicle and was taken to a hospital in critical condition, where he was declared dead.

According to the Abraham Initiatives, an anti-violence monitoring group, there have been 105 killings in the Arab community so far this year, compared to 46 killings at this point in the year in 2022.

Critics and protesters have pointed the finger at Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir.

Police, politicians and community leaders have struggled over the past several years to rein in criminal activity driving the spiking violence, which has appeared to ramp up in recent months.

Many Arab community leaders blame authorities and the police for the crime wave, who they say have failed to crack down on powerful criminal organizations and largely ignore the violence, which includes family feuds, mafia turf wars, and violence against women. The communities have also suffered from years of neglect by state authorities.

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