
Biden speaks with leaders of UK, Germany and France about ‘situation in Russia’

Illustrative: US President Joe Biden takes a phone call in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington on December 9, 2021. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)
Illustrative: US President Joe Biden takes a phone call in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington on December 9, 2021. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

WASHINGTON — US President Joe Biden discusses the unfolding crisis in Russia with the leaders of France, Germany and the United Kingdom, affirming the allies’ staunch support for Ukraine.

According to a statement from the White House, Biden spoke by telephone with French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak about “the situation in Russia.”

In Moscow, Russian President Vladimir Putin is facing the biggest threat to his rule yet with rebel mercenaries advancing toward the Russian capital after seizing a key military base.

The leaders “affirmed their unwavering support for Ukraine,” the White House statement adds.

A White House spokesman also says Biden and US Vice President Kamala Harris were briefed by their national security team this morning on the Russian crisis and will continue to be briefed throughout the day.

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