
Israel said planning to boost consular staff in Russia as demand for travel docs expected to rise

Illustrative: Russian police guards outside the Israeli embassy in Moscow, on September 18, 2018. (AFP/Vasily Maximov)
Illustrative: Russian police guards outside the Israeli embassy in Moscow, on September 18, 2018. (AFP/Vasily Maximov)

The Foreign Ministry is planning to send additional consul officials to Moscow and St. Petersburg in the coming days due to an expected rise in requests for travel documents, according to Hebrew media outlets.

Citing Foreign Ministry estimates, the reports say some 70,000 Israelis are believed to be in Russia, along with some 500,000 Jews and those eligible to immigrate to Israel.

The reports also say officials from the Foreign Ministry, Defense Ministry, National Security Council and Shin Bet discussed the option of weighing a travel warning for Russia during a meeting today.

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