
Israel said to consider travel warning for Russia amid mutiny by mercenary group

Members of the mercenary Wagner Group stand guard in a street in the Russian city of Rostov-on-Don, on June 24, 2023. (Stringer/AFP)
Members of the mercenary Wagner Group stand guard in a street in the Russian city of Rostov-on-Don, on June 24, 2023. (Stringer/AFP)

The Foreign Ministry and National Security Council will hold deliberations this evening on whether to issue a travel warning for Russia, according to Channel 12 news, following the mutiny there by the mercenary Wagner Group.

The report notes the sensitivity for Jerusalem of such a move, as it has sought to navigate between offering some support for Ukraine amid the ongoing Russian invasion while maintaining ties with Moscow. Israel’s need to carry out airstrikes on Iranian-linked targets in neighboring Syria, where there is Russian military presence, and the large Jewish community in Russia have been cited as the primary reasons for the Israeli stance on the fighting in Ukraine.

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