
Hummus joint outside settlement reopens after deadly terror attack

Israeli security forces at the scene of a shooting attack near the West Bank settlement of Eli, June 20, 2023. (Flash90)
Israeli security forces at the scene of a shooting attack near the West Bank settlement of Eli, June 20, 2023. In the background is Hummus Eliyahu, which reopened on June 22, 2023. (Flash90)

The hummus restaurant at a gas station outside the West Bank settlement of Eli has reopened after four Israelis were killed there in a terror attack this week.

“The time has come for the State of Israel to invest in businesses in settlements and not only after serious terror attacks. We will continue to act and develop the economy,” Aviad Gazber, who owns the Hummus Eliyahu branch, tells the Ynet news site.

Among the diners throughout the day were Likud MK Yuli Edelstein and opposition National Unity MKs Benny Gantz and Chili Tropper.

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