
National security adviser meets with senior US State Department official

Barbara Leaf, US assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern Affairs, speaks to reporters at a media roundtable in Kuwait City on October 19, 2022. (YASSER AL-ZAYYAT / AFP)
Barbara Leaf, US assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern Affairs, speaks to reporters at a media roundtable in Kuwait City on October 19, 2022. (YASSER AL-ZAYYAT / AFP)

National Security Adviser Tzachi Hanegbi meets with US Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Barbara Leaf, who has been visiting this week.

A statement from the Prime Minister’s Office says Leaf expressed her condolences over the four Israelis killed in a terror shooting in the West Bank and that the two discussed how to prevent a further escalation in violence “after the recent terror incidents.”

The two also discussed expanding the Abraham Accords, with Leaf sharing her impressions of recent trip to Saudi Arabia and noting the US efforts to advance a normalization deal, according to the premier’s office.

The statement doesn’t mention Iran, with Leaf’s trip coming amid growing reports of a potential nuclear interim deal between Washington and Tehran.

There is no immediate readout from the State Department.

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