
Far-right MK Rothman invokes anti-overhaul protesters when pressed on settler rioting

MK Simcha Rothman at the Knesset in Jerusalem on May 29, 2023 (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)
MK Simcha Rothman at the Knesset in Jerusalem on May 29, 2023 (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

Religious Zionism MK Simcha Rothman appears to downplay yesterday’s settler violence in the West Bank town of Turmus Ayya that took place following a funeral for four Israelis killed in a nearby terror attack, invoking the blocking of roads by protesters against judicial overhaul that he is helping shepherd through the Knesset.

“When you protest against the [judicial] reform you can call to take up arms and be violent, but when you protest against a trivial matter like four people being murdered, then that’s not alright?” the far-right lawmaker says to Army Radio.

Rothman appears to be referring to comments by lawyer David Hodek, who said in February that “if someone forces me to live in a dictatorship and I have no choice, I won’t hesitate to use live fire.” Hodek later apologized as police opened an investigation.

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