
4 more detained over protest at Kohelet Forum think tank

Emanuel (Mannie) Fabian is The Times of Israel's military correspondent.

The entrance to the offices of the Kohelet Forum, the conservative think tank deeply involved in the judicial overhaul, blockaded by protesters, March 9, 2023. (Flash90)
The entrance to the offices of the Kohelet Forum, the conservative think tank deeply involved in the judicial overhaul, blockaded by protesters, March 9, 2023. (Flash90)

Police say officers have detained an additional four suspects for placing sandbags and barbed wire at the entrance to the offices of the Kohelet Forum, a conservative think tank deeply involved in the government’s controversial push to overhaul the country’s judiciary.

Earlier, two activists were taken by police for questioning over the incident in Jerusalem.

The act was carried out by Brothers in Arms, a protest group representing reservist soldiers and officers.

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