
Baby girl dies after being forgotten inside hot car in Acre

Hospital says 14-month-old arrives in critical condition, with doctors unable to resuscitate her

Renee Ghert-Zand is a reporter and feature writer for The Times of Israel.

Illustrative: A Magen David Adom ambulance is seen on the coast of central Israel. (Magen David Adom)
Illustrative: A Magen David Adom ambulance is seen on the coast of central Israel. (Magen David Adom)

A baby girl from Acre was declared dead on Tuesday after she was forgotten for hours in a hot car.

Magen David Adom paramedics performed lifesaving measures on the 14-month-old as she was extracted from the vehicle and was brought to the Galilee Medical Center in Nahariya by ambulance.

In a statement, Dr. Itamar Munchak, the director of the pediatric emergency unit, said the baby arrived in critical condition, without vital signs. Despite a variety of lifesaving attempts, the hospital’s medical team was unsuccessful at reviving the child and declared her dead, said Munchak.

In the summer months, such incidents are not uncommon in Israel, where temperatures in locked cars can soar to 160°F (70°C), which can prove dangerous to children even over brief periods.

According to the Beterem – Safe Kids Israel organization, between 2010-2020, 34 babies and children in Israel died after they were left unattended in parked and locked cars.

Last summer, a four-month-old boy died after his father forgot him in the car for several hours. Three children also died in two separate incidents when they accidentally locked themselves inside vehicles.

Times of Israel staff contributed to this report.

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