Signed, Sealed, Delivered?

Signed, Sealed, Delivered?

Israel Story's new series provides a fresh look at the nation's founding moral compass, Megillat Ha'Atzmaut – the Declaration of Independence – through the voices of its signatories and their descendants. Produced in partnership with The Times of Israel
For nearly two decades Kol headed the Jewish Agency’s Youth Immigration Division that brought more than 100,000 unaccompanied minors from 85 different countries to Israel
Pinchas Rosen (Courtesy Israeli National Photo Collection)
A lover of classical music, an enthusiastic chess player, an avid reader of Goethe, and Israel’s first Justice Minister
Daniel Auster (Willem van de Poll)
The first Jew to be appointed Mayor of Jerusalem since Byzantine times
Israeli Declaration of Independence (GPO)
Israel’s Declaration of Independence on May 14, 1948 was not only the birth of a state — it was also the birth of Israeli radio.
Rachel Cohen-Kagan signs the Israeli Declaration of Independence (Image Courtesy of ISA)
Our deep dive into Israel's Declaration of Independence continues with a pioneering feminist, the head of WIZO, and one of the two women who signed the Declaration
Mordechai Shattner and his daughter, Rachel Ofra Eliyahu Schattner (image courtesy of family)
Our new series - a deep dive into Megillat Ha’Atzmaut, or the Declaration of Independence - continues with an ardent socialist who knew how to compromise
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