What Matters Now
A weekly exploration of one key issue shaping Israel and the Jewish World right now
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After a bloody week, a leading intelligence expert analyses recent IDF successes in the West Bank, offers points for improvement and tells us wha... MORE
With over 100 Arab Israelis dead through violence in the first half of 2023, this academic says it's time to stop the blame game and start coming... MORE
New alliances thread through Mideast as Syria is re-embraced by the Arab League and Iran signs accords with Saudi Arabia, UAE. This week, we hear... MORE
Monopoly isn't just a board game for Lobby 99's director of public policy. This week, we hear how a mere handful of powerful companies control pr... MORE
Israel Prize-winning Bible scholar dives into Shavuot scroll's meaning, laments lack of biblical literacy in secular society, but sees hope in an... MORE
For an American scholar of Israel's ultranationalistic movements, a research trip that coincides with the Jerusalem flashpoint Flag March couldn'... MORE
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