High notes

In Tel Aviv, indoor and outdoor arias from singers in training

City’s Conservatory of Music hosts three weeks of free and ticketed performances

Jessica Steinberg covers the Sabra scene from south to north and back to the center.

Young opera singer students performing in the 2022 summer opera program in Tel Aviv (Courtesy Noy Dekel)
Young opera singer students performing in the 2022 summer opera program in Tel Aviv (Courtesy Noy Dekel)

Looking for some opera and musical theater? Tel Aviv has some on tap in July, with free outdoor performances and ticketed programs performed by young opera singers training at the city’s conservatory.

Some 60 young opera singers from Israel and abroad will be working on Mozart’s “Cosi Fan Tutte,” Gounod’s “Romeo et Juliette,” and Britten’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” with performances held most nights, July 10-29, in the auditorium of the Israel Conservatory of Music.

Audiences are also welcome to attend master classes and workshops with some of the program’s instructors, including maestro Dan Ettinger.

There will also be two outdoor performances on July 15 at the Israeli Opera Performing Arts square and at Jaffa’s Kedumim Square, along with a gala concert on Saturday night, July 29, at the Tel Aviv Museum of Art.

The Tel Aviv Summer Opera program is known for nurturing young vocal talents, with alumni who have gone on to perform at opera houses worldwide,

For dates and tickets, go to the Summer Opera Tel Aviv website.

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