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Double-decker tourist buses to debut in Jerusalem

The new line will take travelers around Jerusalem’s top sites including the Old City, Israel Museum and Mahane Yehuda market

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Tourists in Jerusalem will be able to travel the city on a double-decker bus, city hall announced Sunday, replicating the iconic hop-on hop-off tours in big cities across the globe.

The bus will have 15 stops across the city, including the Old City, Israel Museum, Knesset, Yad Vashem and the Mahane Yehuda market.

Tickets will cost 75 NIS for adults and 30 NIS for children.

Passengers can choose between an hour-and-a-half ride covering Jerusalem’s main attractions, or a ticket lasting up to 72 hours allowing for a more leisurely exploration of the city. (More details here.)

This will be the first time a double-decker bus has driven through Jerusalem since 2016 when the number 99 line was discontinued.

At a ceremony in honor of the opening of the new line, Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Lion invited Israelis from around the country to come and explore “the most beautiful city in the world.”


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