
Young man killed as car collides with truck near West Bank settlement

Victim, in his twenties, declared dead at the scene by medics

Illustrative: An ambulance is seen at the scene of a deadly crash in Beit Shemesh where a pedestrian was killed after a truck hit him, September 4, 2022. (Magen David Adom)
Illustrative: An ambulance is seen at the scene of a deadly crash in Beit Shemesh where a pedestrian was killed after a truck hit him, September 4, 2022. (Magen David Adom)

A young man in his twenties was killed Monday morning in a crash between his car and a truck on Route 5 east of Tel Aviv.

The accident occurred near Beit Aryeh, a West Bank settlement.

Medics who arrived on the scene attempted to resuscitate the man but could not save him.

The truck driver, in his fifties, was lightly injured and taken to a hospital.

The cause of the accident was not immediately clear.

Some 170 people have been killed in traffic accidents since the start of the year

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