Photo Essay

‘Ensuring jihad will continue’: Gaza summer camp teaches youth to fight, hate Israel

Young Palestinians parade and brandish fake rifles as they are instructed on combat against the ‘Zionist enemy’ at Palestinian Islamic Jihad camp

Palestinian youths brandishing fake rifles parade during a military-style summer camp organized annually by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group during the school holiday, in Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip, on June 22, 2023. (SAID KHATIB / AFP)
Palestinian youths brandishing fake rifles parade during a military-style summer camp organized annually by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group during the school holiday, in Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip, on June 22, 2023. (SAID KHATIB / AFP)

As they do every year, terror groups in the Gaza Strip are operating summer camps for the Palestinian enclave’s youth that includes military-style training in preparation to fight against Israel.

As part of Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s activities, young Palestinians parade and train with fake rifles and are instructed on jihad against the “Zionist enemy.”

In previous years, children were taught to stab and stone Israeli police in order “to liberate Al-Aqsa,” while instructors lionized those who fall as “martyrs” against the enemy.

“These boys are trained in various ways to defend their rights in their territory and homeland,” PIJ official Darwish al-Gharabli told AFP.

“Hundreds have participated in the camps of the al-Quds Brigades, the camps of glory and pride, ensuring that jihad and resistance will continue.”

Palestinian youths brandishing fake rifles during a military-style summer camp organized annually by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group, during the school holiday in Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip, on June 22, 2023. (SAID KHATIB / AFP)
Rockets are displayed as Palestinian youths parade during a military-style summer camp organized annually by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group, during the school holiday in Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip, on June 22, 2023. (SAID KHATIB / AFP)
Women watch as Palestinian youths parade during a military-style summer camp organized annually by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group during the school holiday, in Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip, on June 22, 2023. (SAID KHATIB / AFP)
Palestinian youths brandishing fake rifles during a military-style summer camp organized annually by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group, during the school holiday in Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip, on June 22, 2023. (SAID KHATIB / AFP)
Rockets are displayed at a military-style summer camp organized annually by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group, during the school holiday in Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip, on June 22, 2023. (SAID KHATIB / AFP)
Palestinian youths brandishing fake rifles parade during a military-style summer camp organized annually by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group during the school holiday, in Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip, on June 22, 2023. (SAID KHATIB / AFP)
Palestinian youths brandishing fake rifles parade during a military-style summer camp organized annually by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group during the school holiday, in Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip, on June 22, 2023. (SAID KHATIB / AFP)

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