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How Pittsburgh confronted trauma after the Tree of Life shooting

With the trial of the shooter set to begin this week, we sit with The Federation’s Jeff Finkelstein and community support leader Maggie Feinstein to learn how the community has held together in the face of a horrific trauma.

It’s been nearly five years since the deadliest antisemitic attack in US history, the Tree of Life shooting in Pittsburgh. As the trial of the shooter is set to begin, we sit down with Jeff Finkelstein, CEO of the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh, and Maggie Feinstein, director of the 10.27 Healing Partnership, to learn how the community has held together in the face of a horrific trauma, ask whether increased security presence is more comforting or unsettling, and delve into how communities can make themselves more resilient.

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About The Glue: Jewish Federations are proud to present The Glue, with President and CEO Eric Fingerhut. The Glue is an exploration of what holds us together in divided times. Join Eric in each episode for riveting conversations with experts and thought leaders exploring how our communities are evolving, and why their evolution is crucial to some of the biggest social challenges our societies face today.

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