
IDF chief denounces ‘incitement’ against brigade commander by settler activists

Emanuel (Mannie) Fabian is The Times of Israel's military correspondent.

Col. Eliav Elbaz, commander of the Binyamin Territorial Brigade in an undated photo. (Israel Defense Forces)
Col. Eliav Elbaz, commander of the Binyamin Territorial Brigade in an undated photo. (Israel Defense Forces)

Military chief Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi condemns “incitement” by settler activists against the commander of the Binyamin Territorial Brigade, part of the Israel Defense Forces’ West Bank division.

Activists have called for Col. Eliav Elbaz to resign. “You failed, go home,” an image circulating on social media reads.

A video shared by settler activists on Friday showed Elbaz pursuing an Israeli man near the settlement of Ateret, telling him to leave the area.

The calls come amid a string of settler attacks on Palestinians in recent days.

“This is an unacceptable and unethical discourse,” Halevi says in a statement.

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